Page 19 - BiTS_08_AUGUST_2022
P. 19

recorded in  New York I’m working on the material right now and I am very glad for what
     we have created.

     BiTS:  Tell me something about what your future plans are. You’re going back to the States?
     You’ve obviously got a lot of gigs that are coming up. What else is happening?

     GH: Except for touring, I write my books all the time because I write music books for
     musicians to use and I’m composing, but I want to compose, I want to record with a
     symphony orchestra, so that is what I’m planning right now.

     BiTS:  That sounds absolutely wonderful.

     GH: I’ve written a lot of music and I do lots of concerts with symphony orchestras.

     BiTS:  What sort of music do you play with the symphony orchestra then? Do you
     improvise around some piece, or what happens?

     GH: It’s music I’ve composed, but it’s in the style of the Great American Songbook 1930s,
     40s. It’s songs and I will play all the instruments, so it’s jazz with a symphony orchestra and
     jazz rhythm section of course. I play a lot with symphony orchestras now. I have a lot of gigs
     every year in America, so I am working on that and it’s a fantastic thing to do. I love it.

     BiTS:  That sounds absolutely wonderful. I’d love to hear that.

     GH: Yes, I’m really looking forward and it feels like it’s something very special and yes, it is

     very special. I’m going to record it in Nashville and  later to Los Angeles.

     BiTS:  That sounds wonderful. Gunhild, tell me something about working with your family.

     How many of your children work with you in the band?
     GH: I have two children. They are 17 and 14. But my brother has three and my sister has
     one son. The cousins also like to play with each other and so what I know about music is

     that you cannot learn anything in one second. Well, maybe if you are a genius and you just
     find that you crack the code, but in general, you have to give everything a lot of time and I
     give music a lot of time and also my kids like to play music, which is the key because if you
     do what you love, you’re going to be good at it. They were not superstars from the first day
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