Page 17 - BiTS_08_AUGUST_2022
P. 17
GH: I’m self-taught on trombone, but I have listened to records and then I play together with
other musicians, so I didn’t have a teacher, but I just found it out myself.
BiTS: Okay. You play a lot of other instruments, I believe. What other instruments do you play
besides trombone? I know you play trumpet, for example. What else?
GH: I play drums, recorder, piano, bagpipes, flute, oboe. I like to play accordion. I play harp,
both double cross harp and pedal harp and I also play slide whistle and ukulele.
BiTS: Tell me about the bagpipe playing. What do you play on bagpipes?
GH: I started playing medieval
music because I like medieval
and renaissance sounds a lot.
There is a musician from
London called David Munrow
and I listen to his recordings.
He played only medieval
music, but he had great
articulation, so he was a big
inspiration. And I play blues
because I see a relationship
between blues and medieval
music in the tonality.
BiTS: That’s interesting. Tell
me something about your
current band. How many
musicians in your travelling
GH: I want to have at least
eight people in the band
because I want four horns and
four rhythms. So, trumpet, two
saxophones, trombone or two
reeds, trombones and then I want drums, guitar or banjo, bass and piano . So it’s optimal for
me with eight musicians. Then if more people, I have to arrange it differently, but I also like big
band a lot.
BiTS: Right. Tell me something about this tour that you’re on at the moment. Is this the first
tour that you’ve done since COVID?
GH: I’m touring now and the problem with the tour now is that I had gigs before COVID that
were postponed to now and then other gigs came, so it is a little much now and a little messy
because I’m driving here, there and everywhere, but I think it will cool down in the Autumn
and I’m really, really travelling around now because I have bookings from three and two years
BiTS: When are you going back to the USA?
GH: I am playing at Birdland in two weeks, and tomorrow I go to Canada and then I go back. I
go to a jazz festival I play at Montreal Jazz and then I go to play in Alicante, San Javier Jazz
Festival. Then I go to Birdland. So it’s a little bit of travelling, and hopefully, now the airports