Page 55 - BiTS_02_FEBRUARY_2025
P. 55

and was very well-received. They describe this new album as a “folk” release,

    largely acoustic and containing a couple of retro-pop styled numbers and
    plenty of items that could fall into an Americana category – so maybe there

    are still a few things to interest some readers.

    Many will enjoy the last two numbers on the album, a version of Jimmy Dale
    Gilmore’s  very  bluesy  acoustic  piece,  ‘Tonight  I  Think  I’m  Gonna  Go

    Downtown’,  and  the  rocker  with  a  slight  tinge  of  country  that  is  the

    optimistic title track. No, not a blues set then, but fans of Americana should
    find plenty to enjoy.

    Norman Darwen

                                               The  Dennis  Spencer  Group  with  Bobby

                                               Warren—Bluesman                         from            Jupiter—


                                               Dennis Spencer has lived quite a life (or more
                                               like lives) and his blues tend to be anything but

                                               run-of-the-mill. Bobby Warren is a singer and

                                               guitarist from Corinth, Mississippi now living
                                               in Los Angeles, where he frequently works with
                                               Dennis. He sings lead on the final track here,

    Dennis  Spencer  Goddard’s  composition  ‘You  Been  Blackenized’.  He  also
    contributes backing vocals to ‘Cold Corner’.

    This is mainly Dennis’s album though, and he has here a fine, fairly no-
    nonsense  –  and  sometimes  humorous  -  collection  of  blues  and  closely

    related material; try ‘Gypsy Payback’ though this is seemingly a true story.
    Not  many  blues  albums  could  convincingly  open  with  ‘Bluesman  From

    Jupiter’, and in one way, that is precisely the point! ‘Your Secret Is Safe’ leans
    more towards a roots-rock approach, whilst the gospel-ish ballad ‘Why Can’t

    We’ is a very fine duet between Dennis and Tracy Hart.

    ‘Tall Guy Boogie’ is just that, an up tempo, up-beat instrumental workout

    for Dennis on tough guitar and Mikal Majeed on organ, and ‘Thousandaire’
    is a fine straight blues, again with apparently autobiographical lyrics.  All

    the songs make a point, and all are well worth a listen.

    Norman Darwen
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