Page 30 - BiTS_12_DECEMBER_2024
P. 30
BiTS: [Laughs] Okay, let's talk about something else. I gather that you were brought
up in the Jewish religion, is that correct?
JP: Brought up is a funny way of putting it. I was informed about it at an early age
and living here in New York City, it's something a little bit easier to get a hold of than
in the Old South Central, where I was born.
BiTS: Do you practise? Do you go to the synagogue and that sort of thing?
JP: It's hard to do on the road, but for the
big days I usually do.
BiTS: Yeah. Yeah. Understand. Tell me
something about your travels. I read
somewhere about you doing a concert as a
tribute to Lead Belly, which I gather was a
great success. Is that true?
JP: Yeah. Yes, it was, but those two things
don't really correlate because the thing
with Lead Belly was here in town.
BiTS: Oh okay, I see.
JP: But what about my travels do you want
to hear?
BiTS: Well, is there some outstanding
place that you've been to somewhere
where you thought, my goodness, I never
thought I'd be here.
JP: Oh, every place is like that. I used to
didn’t think there was anything but the 10 Freeway. So just about every place feels
that way.
BiTS: You've had an exposure, let's call it that, an exposure on British television
through the Jules Holland show just a couple of weeks ago. How did that happen?
JP: Oh well, some good friends who have good faith in me made some good calls and
connected with Jules and his people and found out we both leaned pretty hard in the
direction of music and made fast friends and played some good music, and the rest
is history.
BiTS: And did you enjoy the experience?
JP: Of course I enjoyed the experience. It was a ball. It's good to play some good music
with some friends and good to be exposed on TV in such a nice way and have some
of my friends who've seen me from the beginning get to see me on a TV show. That
was a fun time.