Page 19 - BiTS_03_MARCH_2023
P. 19

DC: She does vocals, yes, absolutely. And actually, she’s done a few more classes than I have.
    She’s done a few vocal and also a song writing class as well.

    BiTS:  Denny, when you’re not working or actually teaching or anything like that, what kind of
    music do you listen to now?

    DC: Believe it or not, I like a variety of stuff. I like classical music, like Debussy and Ravel. I mean,
                                                                          of course, I always go to the blues.
                                                                          Guys like Johnny “Guitar” Watson, I

                                                                          just absolutely love. Of course, the
                                                                          standard  guys.  Of  the  three  Kings,
                                                                          Albert  King  is  my  go-to.  I  just
                                                                          absolutely love him. Albert Collins I
                                                                          like a lot and I do like a lot of the jazz
                                                                          guys, of course. Anything Ray Brown
                                                                          is  on  I  absolutely  love.  Christian
                                                                          McBride  is  an  absolutely  fantastic
                                                                          upright  bass  player.  And  then
                                                                          believe it or not, along with that, I
                                                                          have a little dose of Kraftwerk, of all
                                                                          things as well. It’s funny because it’s
                                                                          such rigid music but it has so much
                                                                          soul to it. It’s funny, it’s soulless soul,
    if that’s possible [chuckles].

    BiTS:  One of the sadnesses of my life is that I never saw Albert Collins live. I’ve heard him on
    record but what a sensational musician he was.

    DC: He was absolutely fantastic. I was going to mention, back in the day when I hung out with

    T-Bone Walker, there was a club here in town called the Ash Grove and at the Ash Grove, that’s
    really where I really developed my total love for the blues because I saw Johnny “Guitar” Watson
    and I saw Canned Heat. I saw Albert Collins, Freddie King, Albert King. Just all these fantastic
    guys, Reverend Gary Davis, Big Joe Williams, just a total variety of incredible musicians there.
    And here’s a little story for you, one night as I said, my friend and I, we were hanging out with
    T-Bone a little bit. T-Bone asked us if we could drive him around to a couple of the clubs to go
    meet up with some of his friends and we said sure. So first stop was the Ash Grove and John Lee
    Hooker was there and so we kind of hung out a little bit backstage with John Lee Hooker and
    that’s how I found out that John Lee had a stutter because he would sit there and say w-w-well
    h-h-how goes it T-T-T-Bone?

    BiTS:  When he was singing it disappeared.

    DC: Exactly. Yes. And I don’t know if you know the backstory of Doug Macleod, but Doug also
    had used singing to overcome a stutter.

    BiTS:  Really?

    DC: He apparently had a real heavy stutter when he was young, yes.

    BiTS:  I didn’t know that at all.

    DC: Yes, yes, it’s amazing.

    BiTS:  Tell me, were you and Lawrence seriously affected by COVID?
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