Page 20 - BiTS_03_MARCH_2023
P. 20

DC: Very, very much, yes. It pretty much just cut off most of the live performances that we were
    involved in and it just kind of broke our stride a little bit. It did also affect my teaching quite a
    bit because I wasn’t able to do in-person lessons. So instead I had to go via Facetime or Skype
                                                                            and so forth. So yes, COVID really
                                                                            affected  all  aspects  of  the  music

                                                                            BiTS:  I guess things are getting a
                                                                            bit easier now?

                                                                            DC: They are yes. It’s opening up a
                                                                            bit.  Again,  working  at  McCabe’s,
                                                                            I’m also head of the music school
                                                                            over there and I have had a little bit
                                                                            of  a  rough  time  getting  some
                                                                            classes started because people are
                                                                            still a little bit nervous about being
                                                                            in a room, not a super small room,
                                                                            but  a  room  of  about  ten  or  15
                                                                            people. So they’re getting started.

                                                                            I’m offering some classes but again,
                                                                            they’re not super well attended as
                                                                            of yet.

                                                                            BiTS:  Well, let’s hope it gets better.
                                                                            It certainly couldn’t get any worse.

                                                                            DC:  Yes  [chuckles],  absolutely.
    Good old John Lennon said that, didn’t he?

    BiTS:  [Laughing] John Lennon was a very strong philosopher. He once said, as I’m sure you
    know, Life is what happens when you’re making plans to do other things.

    DC: Exactly. Yes.

    BiTS:  I won’t take any more of your time, Denny. Thank you very much indeed for talking to me
    and it’s been a pleasure.

    DC: Thank you. The pleasure is all mine. Thank you very much.

    BiTS:  Regards to Lawrence when you see her.

    DC: Thank you. I will do. Okay. Have a great evening.

    BiTS:  And you. Bye.

    DC: Okay. Bye.
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