Page 21 - BiTS_03_MARCH_2023
P. 21
Dani Wilde is a longtime friend of BiTS. She is a British singer-songwriter and guitarist
who fuses roots genres including blues, country, gospel, soul and Americana into
popular song.
The American periodical, Blues Blast, noted in 2017 that "Dani Wilde is a modern day
British blues phenomenon...” (Wikipedia)
Recently she has been fully occupied following the birth her second child. But child birth
and COVID have not dulled her talent.
Dani has just released a new single (’I Miss The World’) which comes with some excellent
harp work from her brother Will and a stunning, multi-tracked arrangement.
Ian McKenzie spoke to her on the telephone at her home.
BiTS: Okay, let's make a start then. First thing I need to tell you, as you're undoubtedly aware,
is that this is being recorded.
DW: Okay, yes.
BiTS: And if you wish to, I will send you a copy
of it before it's published.
DW: Okay, yes, that'd be great. Thank you.
BiTS: Okay. I shall do that then. Let's make a
start. Tell me something about what you've
been doing for the last couple of years. I mean,
I know that you've had a baby. Has it been a
problem with COVID?
DW: Yes, it's been a kind of crazy few years,
really. So I was touring, obviously kind of pretty
much nonstop right up until the COVID
lockdowns and so on. And then throughout the
lockdowns, I did lots of songwriting and
recording and kind of online broadcasts and so
on over Facebook for fans. But just as
everybody else was kind of unlocking and
starting to tour again, I was pregnant with my
second child, my little boy, so I couldn't get back
out there because I didn't want to get COVID for
labour and all of that and yes, so it was kind of
everybody else was getting back on the road
and I wasn't really, but I had been in the studio
loads making loads of new music and some of
those releases have already come out on VizzTone, and was successful and got lots of good radio
play and reviews and so on and Spotify plays especially.
Now, I've just done a run of, what VizzTone call a “waterfall cascade” of singles, which apparently
is a technical term, but yes, four singles that are kind of part of almost like a digital EP. So yes,
one of them has come out or two of them have come out already. The one with Chris Holland,