Page 30 - BiTS_01_JANUARY_2024
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BiTS: That’s wonderful. And does it have a name yet?
LP: Yes, it's sort of a dedication to my dad because we're covering one of my dad's songs in our
own way, which is called ‘That's When The Blues Begins’, which is a song that Sam discovered
on a mini disc or something in lockdown. So we have done a cover of the song and that's what
the EP’s going to be called as well as a little nod.
BiTS: Ah, okay. Actually, somewhere or other, I've got a version of that that your dad gave to
me. Absolutely terrific. A terrific song. I really love it.
LP: Thank you. Yeah, no, Sam sort of discovered a version, it might be the same one that you've
got, in lockdown and we put it out on my dad's anniversary.
BiTS: Let me just step back for
Sam Piper
a moment. Tell me something
about what's going on with the
commemorating your dad. I
gather that Sam and you found
this material in his record
library or in his recording
library. What are you doing with
LP: Yes. So Sam has an idea,
which I am on board with as
well, to sort of create a podcast
series of dad's interviews from
over the years. There's about
2-300 interviews with people.
All fairly well known from sort
of Bonnie Raitt to Billy Gibbons,
J. J. Cale, people like that. Yeah.
So, Sam’s, pretty much listened
to all of it, but I've been slowly
making my way through, but I'd
like us to be on the same page
before we put it out and it's
obviously hard to know how best to release that kind of thing because you don't want it to just
be a flop.
BiTS: I may be wrong, but I guess that involves getting a lot of people's permission to do it, does
LP: Yes, good point, well some people are dead, but I think Sam will start with the dead people
[chuckles] because it would be easier because there’s a death there.
BiTS: Yes, very sensible.
LP: So we might start with a dead number ten or something. Yeah, we could start with ten and
go from there, but the podcast series is definitely in the mix. It's been me that's holding it back,
really, because Sam's been champing at the bit for a while.
Then also there's another book that my dad wrote which is also practically finished. It needs
editing and proofreading and stuff, but we would like to release this other book that my dad