Page 29 - BiTS_01_JANUARY_2024
P. 29
But no, I did give him a chance. I don't know why, but no, and the first time we ever played
together, I thought, God, no, he was special. I mean, he's never been to America, Mississippi. He
has no deep family connection or anything like that to the blues, but it's like he's come from that
area. He's got some very surprising authenticity. It's like he's, you know, a native, to be honest,
but actually, he's just a guy from Teignmouth who's never really left.
BiTS: You play mostly, I think, Mississippi Hill Country stuff.
LP: Yeah, very influenced by it.
RL Burnside
BiTS: Why’s that?
LP: Well, when Lee was suggesting
songs, we were doing a lot of R. L.
Burnside, I don't know why, but I
mean, I think one of the last people
that my dad promoted was Cedric
Burnside at the Phoenix in the
summer of 2019, and I've seen Cedric
play a couple of times. Really inspired
by his drumming and just the way that
Lee was playing, and obviously, being a two-piece, just the
sound was automatically very Hill Country. And so we just
decided our first lot of material was covers of R. L. Burnside,
which are still some of our favourite songs to play. It just
really goes well as the two-piece. It's a really thick sound that
we're creating. I don't know, my drumming was just kind of
inspired by Cedric’s drumming and we had a mutual love of
Delta and Hill Country and just decided that's what our
sound should be, really. Didn't really overthink it.
BiTS: Obviously, the answer is getting as many gigs as you're
Cedric Burnside
able to. Well, what's your ambition? Where do you want to
LP: Yeah, world domination. We joke about that. No, to be doing more international shows would
be great. Obviously Norway was great, and we also played at Tenby Blues Festival last month,
actually. So that was technically another country, Wales, but to be getting more European or
further afield, bookings would be great, or to be supporting someone bigger on tour. We've got
our EP coming out next year, so we'll be doing a launch for that, get more original material out.
BiTS: Sorry, I'm going to stop you. Could you say that again? You've got an album coming out.
Is that right?
LP: An EP, so it’s six tracks. It's all ready to go, but yeah, so that would be next year.
BiTS: Any chance of getting some copies of that stuff?
LP: Yeah. Yeah. When it's out, of course. Yeah. So far we've brought out the debut single, which
has got a B side. There's just two tracks at the moment. We have a physical form of that, which
we sold over half of just at gigs. There will be a six-track EP.