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wrote all about bringing the guys from America over here to Europe. So there's a second book
    in the pipeline, literally. Yeah.

    So the podcast series and the book are sort of the major things, but then there's unreleased
    musical material that dad never put out, which Sam would like to do something with. There are
    lots, and it's kind of overwhelming and that's why we’ve probably not done much because it’s
    too much.

    BiTS:  Well, it also takes time. I mean, to be honest with you, it's not that long since Julian passed
    away, and it takes the time to get around to doing these things when you're still grieving. I'm
    sorry, but it does.

    LP:  Exactly. Yeah. Well, I'm only just coming out of the shock of it all, really. It's taking this long
    just to not be in shock.

    BiTS:  That does not surprise me in the slightest, Lucy. It's an awful experience and I feel sorry
    for you and Sam and for your mother as well.

    LP:  Thank you, that’s much appreciated. Yeah, it's been hell, to be honest, but slowly, you know,
    you learn to live with it. That's the best way to put it because you don't get over it and it doesn't
    really get better, to be honest, but you do learn to live your life around it again.

                                                                         BiTS:  Well, I can tell you from my
      Lucy and Stompin’                                                  point  of  view  that  not  just  me,  but
      Dave Allen                                                         hundreds  of  other  people  will  be

                                                                         delighted  to  hear  the  material  that
                                                                         you and Sam were working on in due
                                                                         course, no doubt about that at all.

                                                                         LP:  Ah, that's very kind of you. Yeah,
                                                                         well,  actually,  today  when  I  go  and

                                                                         sort my drum kit out in a bit because
                                                                         I had a gig last night, I am going to try
                                                                         and make an effort to keep ploughing
                                                                         through  these  interviews  because  I
                                                                         do want to get them out. Sometimes
                                                                         I'm just overwhelmed, or I’m just, you
                                                                         know,  busy  living  my  life.  Probably
    distracting myself doing other things sometimes, but yeah, you can't always be totally immersed

    in all of that stuff and it can be a bit top heavy. Yeah,

    Now this Groove Queens has been a great outlet because obviously, I drummed with dad, so it's
    been a way of me like being able to channel that drive that I had with The Junkyard Angels. I was
    always pushing, you know, to get us gigs and put a lot of energy into it, and so it's been a way of
    me managing to recreate the musical passion and drive that I had before.

    BiTS:  And it's called catharsis, Lucy.

    LP:  Yeah, exactly. It's been very probably integral to some of the healing and grief.

    BiTS:  Talking about healing, and let's talk about, well, the guy I call the human whirlwind,
    Stomping Dave. You're doing quite a lot of work with Stomping Dave, I think.

    LP:  Yes, yes. Dave’s a phenomenal artist. He’s something else. He's one-of-a-kind.
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