Page 42 - TCDB combined Book
P. 42
18 The Complete Design-Builder
Trade Shows:
Participation in Trade Shows can include your own Companies Display
Booth or be in conjunction with your representation of a special product
or service. Be prepared for long hours of standing while manning the
booth and if possible share the duties with other personnel or the
representatives from the Special Product or Service you represent.
The actual Display Booth can be purchased or rented as can the display
table, chairs and lighting etc. Your display material and Booth layout etc. should have the same
continuity mentioned in the Advertising Section namely your logo, signs, business cards and
stationery etc. You will be handing out many pieces of information regarding your Companies
Services and Product line so make sure you have an adequate supply of business cards and hand-
out material. Maintaining a list of people that discuss their possible project plans with you for
further follow-up is imperative. One method of soliciting leads is to have a container for people
to drop in their Business Cards with the offer of a daily draw for some gift item. This would
certainly create a list of attendees but not necessarily a qualified list of potential customers for
your service or product, but it will create interest and activity around your Booth. Trade Shows
are just another method of displaying your Companies Services and Product line. Before
exhibiting at a Trade Show talk to some known Exhibitors and get their opinion on the merits of
using this method of soliciting business for your Company. Remember that the advertising
budget will dictate your ability to exhibit at Trade Shows so get the entire cost information well
in advance to determine if this method is to be considered. Some companies attend Trade Shows
to make contacts and obtain the list of Exhibitors, under the assumption that these exhibiting
companies offer better sales lead potential due to there active presence in the Market Place.
Company Brochure:
From a two-page folder to a hard cover bound book, there is a wide spectrum of
choices for your brochure. Depending on the market you are attempting to reach, the
dollar volume of your business and your budget, you should strongly consider
producing some type of company Brochure. This Brochure will be used for direct mail, sales
presentations, project pre-qualifying and many other purposes. Most Brochures of this nature are
designed around the establishment of your Company, experience, staff, construction excellence
and presence in the Community. A selection of completed Project Photos with a brief project
description and also a list of any large well-known national or local companies that you have
completed projects for. Elaborating on your company’s special skills, experienced staff and in-
house capability would also be included. Before using any photos or information relating to
other parties you should obtain the necessary clearances. You may want to consider a brochure
that would start with a spiral bound booklet, enabling you to continue adding pages of text and
photos as your progress and company experience evolves. Remember that a good brochure
presents immediate credibility for your company and it is of utmost importance that the contents
are factual and complete. Consideration should be given to customizing your brochure for each
main market category, by adding the specific market project photos for the particular proposal