Page 40 - TCDB combined Book
P. 40

16                         The Complete Design-Builder

               Direct Mail Letter Samples:
                                                                         Targeted Prospects / Direct Mail Letter

               ACE Auto Dealership                                                            Date
               Any Address
               Any City
               Postal Code
               Attention:  Mr. Decision-Maker
                                            Re:  Proposed Auto Dealership

                      We understand that you are planning to construct a new facility.  The enclosed information on our company
               and experience in automotive design/construction is offered for your consideration in selection of a
                      As completion of your project on time and within budget will be major concerns, we offer a cost-effective
               solution through our Design-Build service for construction of your new facility.
                      Should you require more information on our services, or wish to meet and discuss your project
               requirements in more detail, please feel free to contact us at anytime.

               Enclosures? :                                     Sincerely Yours,
               -Automotive hot market ad
               -Company brochure/testimonials                    Mr. S. Smith, Project Development

                                                                         Targeted Suspects / Direct Mail Letter

               Auto Dealerships                                                        Date
               Any Address
               Any City
               Postal Code

               Attention:  Mr. Decision-Maker

                      Should you be planning to construct a new facility or expand your present location the enclosed
               information on our completed automotive design/construction projects may be of interest.
                      We offer complete Design-Build services as a cost-effective solution to your construction needs including:
                              * Economical & innovative design & construction.
                              * Project completion on time and within budget.
                              * One-source responsibility for all  project requirements.
                      Should you require additional information on the benefits of Design-Build or wish to meet and discuss a
               cost-effective solution for your current or future building projects, please feel free to contact us at anytime.

               Enclosures? :                                     Sincerely Yours,
               -Automotive hot market ad
               -Company brochure                                  Mr. S. Smith Project Development
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