Page 36 - TCDB combined Book
P. 36

12                       The Complete Design-Builder


                               The company letterhead, while displaying your name, logo, address and voice
                               phone numbers should also show your fax, data numbers, and e-mail address for
                               computer On-line communications. This is also the location for identifying any
                               association affiliations and represented special products and services.
                               Choice of stationery is usually based on personal preferences.  The key element
               to consider is maintaining your logo, color scheme and general layout with the other printed
               materials used in your operation.
                       There are many stationery items needed to conduct your business effectively and offer
               the following list of some common items.

               * Company Portfolio
               * Company Brochure
               * Letterhead
               * Memo form
               * Transmittal form
               * Change Order form
               * Purchase Order form
               * Envelopes
               * Outline Specifications
               * Checks
               * Contracts
               * Invoices

               Business Card:

                             This is possibly the simplest and most common method of presenting a company
                             and the service it offers to the Marketplace.  The important factor is ensuring the
                             information on your card is current and factual.  Special products and services
                             along with affiliations to recognized associations should also be presented here.
               Should your Business Cards become outdated, incorrect or redundant we recommend immediate
               replacement.  Considering the low cost of producing new cards there is really no other option.
               Using Business Cards that contain erasures, handwritten name or information changes and other
               revisions should be avoided. The use of a folded type Business Card is practical when the
               amount of information exceeds the space for a single regular sized card.  This would be a better
               alternative than a busy looking card with very small print or a cluttered appearance.  It should be
               noted here, that attempting to put too much information on a Business Card about your company
               or its products and services are not recommended.  The Business Card should have continuity
               with your other printed materials regarding logo, color scheme, general design and layout.
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