Page 34 - TCDB combined Book
P. 34

10                         The Complete Design-Builder

               Business Directories:

                             Being listed in your particular Industry directories will be a strong advertising
                             consideration. Industry Associations usually distribute these types of  directories to
                             area design-professionals, municipal, provincial, state and federal government
                             agencies, and major private businesses. Ensure that you are listed in the
                             appropriate categories and that all information is current and factual.  These types
               of directories are usually updated on an annual basis, allowing you the opportunity of editing
               entries and Classified Advertising accordingly


                              Although we do not see widespread use of the Electronic Media in promoting this
                              sector of business there are opportunities to consider. Submitting press releases to
                              local stations regarding Sod Turning Ceremonies and completed projects may
                              provide enough interest for coverage.  Should this Media show interest it is
               important that you control the set-up location and any organized visit or tour of the site.
               Sponsoring public information announcement spots can be an economical
               way of getting exposure on this Media.  The costs are usually lower than
               regular time spots and can be effective if run at a consistent time on
               consecutive days over a reasonable period of time.


                            The ever-evolving electronic media offers an advertising opportunity for companies
                            that provide services domestically or for export.  There are a number of on-line
                              services that will create your Company Home-Page that can be viewed and
                              responded to by people from all over the world.  The commercial value of using
               the Internet today is difficult to measure, due to the early stages of this Media.  It certainly
               appears that this will be an important advertising medium in the near future.
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