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Jabberwock 2021 Dedication
Dedication in Memory
Soror Ann Price Edge
The Rocky Mount Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,
Incorporated dedicates this edition of the 41st Jabberwock in
memory of Soror Ann Price Edge. She departed quietly, yet abrupt-
ly, into the Omega Omega Chapter on April 25, 2020, leaving her
family, friends, and Sorority sisters to mourn, remember and cele-
brate her life and cherish the memories that linger. Ann was always
on call and willing to assist at a moment’s notice. She was so in-
volved in life, in living, in caring and in giving. She was initiated into Delta Sigma Theta in 1959 on
the campus of Virginia State University, Petersburg, Virginia through the Alpha Eta Chapter and
was elected president from 1960 -1962.
She worked in Virginia and Connecticut before accepting employment with Rocky Mount City
Schools as a counselor. She retired as principal of Baskerville Elementary School. She was the NCAE
Principal of the Year in 1997 and the Nash-Rocky Mount Principal of the Year in 1999. Ann married
Joseph Edge and became mother to two daughters - Sherronda and Jorris. who are also Deltas.
She loved working with children and young people, as indicated by her career choice. After the pass-
ing of her husband, Ann completed his term as a member of the Nash-Rocky Mount Board of Educa-
tion. She was also duly elected Vice Chair and Chair of the Board.
She joined RMAC in 1988 and worked diligently and tirelessly in this chapter to ensure that pro-
gram goals were met and the Rocky Mount community was adequately served. She was a team play-
er, a fierce leader and a positive force in the Rocky Mount Alumnae Chapter. Ann was president
and vice president of the Chapter, but the bi-annual Signature Scholarship Jabberwock Pageant was
one of her favorites. She was always on the Steering, Program or Coronation Committees. She even
chaired the Jabberwock and was an advisor. Membership on key chapter governing committees in-
cluded: Program Planning & Development Committee. Founders Day Steering Committee, Fund-
raising Committee and Policies and Procedures Committee. She was named RMAC Delta Dear of
the Year in 2010 and again in 2015. Ann was a Golden Life member, a Delta Dear and a Golden Delta
Dear of 61 years.
As a citizen of Rocky Mount, she shared her time and talents with her church, Mount Zion Baptist
Church, and many civic groups.
The Rocky Mount Alumnae Chapter is grateful to her family. We pray for peace and understanding.
Let us all remember her gentle spirit and sisterly interactions. She enjoyed life and lived it to the
fullest. Ann Price Edge - sister, mother, soror and friend will not be soon forgotten; and her legacy
shall endure.