Page 22 - News Letter
P. 22


        Student Council Elections AY 2021-2022

        Student Council CAIE
        If your vision is one Year cultivate flowers
        If your vision is 10 years, cultivate trees
        If your vision is eternity cultivate people

        Delhi  Public  School  Nacharam  strives  “To  impart  world-class  education  that  shall  foster
        academic excellence along with physical fitness. To inculcate in each DPS student Psychological
        and spiritual health, social consciousness, self-discipline and concern for the environment through
        our systems and practices.”
        In this endeavor, we at DPS Cambridge Assessment International Education, strive to allow each
        pupil  to  experience  all  aspects  of  life.  We  teach  them  to  strive  for  excellence  lead  in
        whichever field they wish to pursue.... Allowing each child to identify the leader in himself.
        Student Council is a committee of student leaders under various heads like head boy, head girl,
        deputy  head  boy  and  girl,  digital,  wellness  and  health  Ambassadors,  Literary  and  cultural
        Ambassadors, house captains, DPS Chargers, Green Ambassadors and Health and Wellbeing
        The team of teachers worked really hard to ensure all get a chance to identify the leader in them.
        A whole series of steps were followed before the new council was announced on the 28th Of
        April 2021. A google form with all the posts specified was shared with the learners to nominate
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