Page 10 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 10
Curricular and Co-curricular E-BOOK VOLUME 1 E-BOOK VOLUME 1
Level – Cambridge Assessment International Education (Grade 1 to 10)
Academic Activities Grade 9
Learners could create a mind map- helps them to think,
collect knowledge, remember and create ideas. Most likely
it will make them a better thinker (using mindmeister,
Learners could describe the types and components of
computer and have presented on the impacts of emerging
IQ test on numbers, Problem of the day
The group brainstormed and discussed how and why they
got their answer. We were able to come up with alternate
plans to solve the problem showing that there may be one
answer but different approaches to get the answer. The
students were then asked to create individual videos to
explain how they got the answer.
A tartia puzzle to recap the topic of percentages was taken
up and breakout sessions were created to allow learners to
solve the puzzle in groups.
Science: Chemistry
Covered the Particulate nature of matter. The learners are
English: Summary Writing able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
LO: To develop logically sequenced summary responses. scientific phenomena, facts, laws, definitions, concepts and
Learners read the text ‘time management’ and then sequenced the text in a note form. Three groups were entrusted theories and scientific vocabulary, terminology and
with different paragraphs of the text and they logically sequenced the text simultaneously on a Padlet. A review and conventions about particle theory.
feedback for the activity was given to the learners. The activity helped the learners to logically sequence text and use
the verb/preposition/ subject method to start the points in the note form.
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