Page 11 - PowerPoint Presentation
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Curricular and Co-curricular E-BOOK VOLUME 1 E-BOOK VOLUME 1
Level – Cambridge Assessment International Education (Grade 1 to 10)
Academic Activities Grade 10
English: Descriptive Writing
LO: To explore how we can enhance the style and accuracy of
our writing.
Learners’ reflected on the various components required for a
good descriptive writing and used their knowledge to write a
descriptive passage on a given picture on the online quiz site
-Quizizz. Learners shared their writing and peer feedback was
given based on the accuracy of the writing by referring to the
marks scheme.
In Grade 10, the learners tried how to create a box and plot
whisker’s plot. They were put into breakout sessions and created
very smart PPT with video tutorials, too. Class presentations from Student Engagement Program-Cognitive Splash
each group led to a holistic understanding on how to create and There can’t be any dull moment for the Cambridge learners at Delhi Public School, Nacharam, as the school always
interpret the box and whiskers plot. comes up with creative events to keep their learners engaged and entertained. The Cognitive Splash was one such
ICT initiative where the learners got the chance to explore their creativity through various activities. It was such a relief for
Learners could create a mind map which helps them to think, collect the learners from their boredom, who participated in all the activities with great interest and delight. Their
knowledge, remember and create ideas using mindmeister, and excitement had no bounds when found that Math, Language and Science can all be so much fun where they didn’t
mindmaster. have to do anything with books and notebooks, instead, they were given activities related to art, picture, music and
Learners could format and write formulae in the spreadsheet, and storytelling.
they could also solve spreadsheet task from past paper.
Science: Chemistry
Covered the units on Air and Water, where the learners were able to appreciate that: the applications of science may
be both beneficial and detrimental to the individual, the community and the environment by analysing carbon dioxide
pollution graphs of different countries.
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