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Curricular and Co-curricular E-BOOK VOLUME 1 E-BOOK VOLUME 1
Level – Cambridge Assessment International Education (Grade 1 to 10) Science
LO: Recognise and name the major parts of familiar flowering plants (limited to roots, leaves,
Academic Activities Grade 1 stems and flower)
Learners were made to learn about different parts of the plant using various songs and other
The month of June proved that the long summer break couldn’t dent the learners’ appetite for learning, activities. These basic anatomy lessons taught the students how to recognize parts of the plant
instead they looked even hungrier. With renewed enthusiasm the learners approached the online sessions such as the roots, leaf, stem and flower as well as understand their use. It was a fun activity and
to excel not only in academics but also in other co-curricular activities. Here is a detailed report of how the students understood these concepts and demonstrated it practically in the class.
month of June went by… English Global Perspective
LO: Learner to talk about places they know. Explore sounds Learners were made to learn about different professions that exist in our society. They were made
and words in texts, e.g. rhyming words, rhythm. to attire and demonstrate about few of the important community helpers like doctors, teachers,
Learners were able to answer questions about a story. They police etc.
were able to listen and join in with some repeated parts of a Learners were able to effectively speak about the values that the community workers bring to
story. They were also able to find and read words with two society with their hard work and dedication.
consonants next to each other. Talk about the sequence of Hindi
events or actions in a text, e.g. what happens at the Learners were asked to read and write the Aamatrik (Three, four letter) words from the textbook.
beginning, in the middle and at the end of a story. Each and every learner was given a chance to read and write the words with phonic language.
LO: Understand addition as-counting on, combining two sets. French
Learners were made to learn the concept of addition, one Grade 1 learners were introduced to the culture and civilization of France. With the help of
more and one less by making them participate in various picture-based learning, learners came to know about the relevance and importance of the
learning activities in class like using number line and objects. Republic of France.
Students were actively engaged and this helped them to learn ICT
and understand the concept easily. abcya_paint:
Social This is an online painting platform where the students of grade 1 could learn their mouse handling
LO: Learners will be able to answer basic questions about skills and were able to draw some creative paintings on their computers. Students were mostly
themselves. Learners know what Identity means. given simple and basic drawings as a demo and they were asked to recreate similar drawings once
Learners were able to answer basic questions about they learnt the basic painting tools such as paint brush, paint bucket, color pallet and spray paint.
themselves. Children learn what is written on their identity
card. Children have prepared sample identity cards and
placed them on their bags.
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