Page 59 - The prevalence of the Val66Met polymorphism in musicians: Possible evidence for compensatory neuroplasticity from a pilot study
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S. Si et al. NeuroImage 213 (2020) 116681
Fig. 2. | Linkage disequilibrium (LD) pattern of the 12 COMT SNPs analyzed in the present study. Numbers in squares designate the degree of LD (r ) between any two
SNPs. The color from white to black represents the degree of LD from low to high. LD blocks were defined using the solid spine of LD algorithm implemented
in Haploview.
Table 4
Effects of CGSs and parenting styles on creativity.
CGS Combinations of SNPs Parenting style Dimension β △R 2 p
CGS a rs4648317(DRD2) rs5993882(COMT) rs5993883(COMT) rs6269(COMT) rs769224(COMT) M-authoritativeness Originality 0.166 0.027 0.001
rs7122246(DRD2) rs5993882(COMT) rs5993883(COMT) rs6269(COMT) M-authoritativeness Flexibility 0.189 0.036 0.000
CGS c rs7122246(DRD2) rs6279(DRD2) rs6269(COMT) F-authoritativeness Flexibility 0.152 0.023 0.001
rs7122246(DRD2) rs5993883(COMT) F-permissiveness Flexibility 0.159 0.025 0.001
CGS e rs7122246(DRD2) rs737865(COMT) F-authoritarianism Flexibility 0.118 0.013 0.014
Note: F-authoritativeness ¼ father authoritativeness, F-authoritarianism ¼ father authoritarianism, F-permissiveness ¼ father permissiveness, M-authoritativeness ¼
mother authoritativeness.
and six candidate genetic polymorphisms respectively approached sta- Thus, after the single variants analyses, we further computed five
tistical significance at 0.10 before multiple measure adjustment. As different CGSs of DRD2 and COMT, and examined their interactions with
complex phenotypes are controlled by many genes of small effect, these parenting style on creativity.
polymorphisms also have the potential to contribute to creativity. Through the DRD2 and COMT single variants analyses, susceptibility
variants and plasticity alleles were identified. Among them, DRD2
3.2.2. Cumulative genetic score (CGS) rs4648317(T), COMT rs5993882(G), COMT rs5993883(G), COMT
According to the cumulative genetic plasticity model, individuals will rs6269(G), COMT rs769224(A) might moderate the relationship between
be more susceptible to the environment if they carry more plasticity al- mother authoritativeness and originality; DRD2 rs7122246(A), COMT
leles. It made us hypothesize that the effect of parenting style on crea- rs5993882(G), COMT rs5993883(G), COMT rs6269(G) might moderate
tivity might be determined by individuals’ cumulative genetic plasticity. the relationship between mother authoritativeness and flexibility; DRD2