Page 61 - The prevalence of the Val66Met polymorphism in musicians: Possible evidence for compensatory neuroplasticity from a pilot study
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S. Si et al. NeuroImage 213 (2020) 116681
Fig. 3. Interaction of CGS and parenting style on creativity. The gray shaded areas represent regions of significance (RoS) on X and denote where the two lines differ
significantly from each other within 2 SD. The triangular light blue shaded areas represent regions of significance (Ros) on Z and denote where the effect of X on
creativity is significant. The triangular pink shaded areas depict the proportion of the interaction (PoI). Values in the RoS are significant (see Table 5).
processes that support creativity (Nijstad et al., 2010) by modulating also affected flexibility. Since there is evidence that flexible processing
dopaminergic functioning of such fronto-striatal circuitries. benefits originality (Nijstad et al., 2010), our finding possibly makes us
For originality, we only found the interaction of CGS a and mother assume these polymorphisms might enhance originality by promoting
authoritativeness. And the following analysis revealed the positive effect flexibility which provides more possibilities for individuals to generate
of mother authoritativeness was only present in individuals with high new and different ideas (Baas et al., 2008; Nijstad et al., 2010). Besides,
CGS a . This also implies the effect of parenting style, particularly mother two polymorphisms (DRD2 rs4648317, COMT rs769224) were found
authoritativeness, on originality should be determined by aggregated merely influence originality—the hallmark of creativity, suggesting the
polymorphisms from COMT and DRD2. Despite less being known about genetic basis of originality is at least partly distinct from flexibility.
the underlying biological mechanisms for the observed interaction, two Therefore, these inspired us to suggest investigating G E of creativity
important issues have to be mentioned. Firstly, three polymorphisms separated by each of its dimensions.
(COMT rs5993882, COMT rs5993883, COMT rs6269) included in CGS a Taken together, the effect of parenting style on creativity is not