Page 246 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 246

xplore the West End - Historic Willem-          hristoffel National Park - This is a 4,450-  a means for protection strategically located
                                                                                                  forts were built all across the island. A total
E stad is lovely, but to appreciate all that   C acre wildlife preserve near the island’s
Curaçao has to offer, visitors should break west end. The park offers nature-lovers a             of eight forts have survived and to this very

out of the capital city for a day trip at least variety of hiking trails through its variant day help preserve the history of Curacao.

once. Rent a car or sign up for a guided       garden and desert landscapes, including            Most forts are home to hotels, shops,

tour and explore the vast and undeveloped a two- to three-hour hike to the top of                 museums and restaurants to suit today’s

west end of the island. Adventure operator the 1,240-foot Mt. Christoffel, the island’s needs. The most popular forts are described

Explore Curaçao offers Jeep Tours through highest point. On clear days, you’ll see as below, put at least one of them on your list

the island outback, departing from Willem- far as Venezuela. If hiking isn’t your thing, of things to do in Curacao.

stad and making various stops throughout       give your feet a break and enlist the aid          F ORT NASSAU - Fort Nassau dates back
the arid landscape. One such stop is Boca      of an on-site adventure operator offer-                 to 1797 and was named after the Royal
Pistol, a hollowed-out stretch of shoreline    ing horseback rides or jeep tours of the

where a cannonball of sea-foam bursts from grounds. Kayaking is also available in areas House of Orange-Nassau to which the

the earth with each incoming wave – a phe- throughout the park. Bring a picnic lunch Dutch Royal family belonged. Strategically

nomenon known as the “Breath of Curaçao.” and spend the day at leisure; then when                 placed atop a hill near the St. Anna bay this

There’s also a sea-cave nearby that many       you’re ready to cool off, take your pick of        fort serves as a harbor signal and control

visitors descend at low tide for a glimpse nearby beaches. Park entrance from $10 per tower. The fort serves as a regulating office

of the island’s coral-stone foundation, and person.                              for the opening and closing of the Queen

back above ground there’s an abundance of      T our the Colonial Forts - Historically, this      Emma Bridge. Today Fort Nassau is home
desert flora and fauna to spot, from cacti to       strategically located Caribbean Island        to a well-known restaurant ‘Restaurant Fort
iguanas. Half-day Jeep Tours with Explore                                                         Nassau’.

Curaçao or Curaçao Actief from $65 per         was very popular and sought after by Eu-

person., www.           ropean conquerors. As a consequence the                      Dutch, who at that time owned Curacao,

                                               never felt completely safe on the island. As
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