Page 250 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
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ind Surfing - Curacao but especially  snorkeling too. Adrenaline Tours provides a the rainy season. The more experienced kite
                                               2 hour Tour through different areas around surfers could also try Klein Curacao which is
W Klein Curacao is windsurf-heaven
for beginners and also advanced ones. The Curacao including Caracas Bay, Spanish              an uninhabited island about 25 kilometers

calm-clear waters of Klein Curacao accom- Water Lagoon, Jan Thiel Beach and more. from the southeastern point of the ‘’Big’’

panied with heavy wind from the north          They have day tours, sunset tours and night Curacao. A two hour boat trip will take you

makes a perfect combo for a windsurfing tours. Prices can range from $45 to $60 per to a paradisiacal setting of white beaches

day at the beach. If you are interested in     Kayak, which is perfect for two people.        and crystal clear water with waves rolling in

Windsurfing, rental gears are very easy        K ite Surfing - Kite Surfing involves using    from both sides and butter flat water wait-
to find at different shops on the Island.            the power of a large controllable kite   ing to be carved.
Windsurfing Curacao Company located at
                                                                                              H ato Caves - Five minutes from Curacao
Caracas Bay offer different types of Wind- to pull a rider across the water on a small               International Airport is a 200,000 year

surfing Sails, including lessons and trips but surfboard or a kite board. Once the kite

excluding insurance. You can rent a Sail for is in the air it creates its own wind, which old Cave named “Kueba di Hato” meaning

a whole day for $55 or $18 for an hour.        is proportionally faster, creating a higher Cave of Hato. This Cave is the most visited

K ayaking - Kayaking is an interesting way     rate of speed so you’ll be able to reach high  attraction and definitely one of the most
      to discover more of Curacao’s Nature,    speeds. Curacao Kite Surfing is becoming       unique things to do in Curacao. Hato Caves
                                               increasingly popular. St. Joris Bay - Kite     is home to countless seldom long-nose

inlets and coastline. There are several        Surfing can be tried at the St. Joris Bay with bats. NOTE: The Opening Hours are from

Kayaking Tours available on the Island for shore winds and flat water. Because of its 8:30 till 16:00 with an entrance fee of $8/

you to choose from. A few popular kayak- large shallow parts, St. Joris Bay is suitable Adult and $6/Children under age of 11. The

ing tours are held at the Spanish Waters,      for all levels. The wind in Curacao is around Hato Cave Tour will take approximately 45

and amazing Beaches like Porto Mari. Most 16 to 20 knots from January until Septem- minutes.

of these tours provide an opportunity for ber when it slows down somewhat due to
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