Page 251 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 251
S heite Boka National Park - Shete Boka ing shoes. The terrain is rough and some- when they prepare to leave, they make very
literally means “seven mouths” and times slippery. loud sounds almost like airplanes taking
that is exactly what this National Park is all off.
about. Ocean inlets that embody several W atamula - The most western part of
water mouths at the rocky north coastline Curacao is often referred to as the O strich Farm - The Curacao Ostrich Farm
of Curacao. This National Park is loved by evil eye of Curacao. The story goes that id an opportunity to learn more about
those who are devoted to nature and in slaves were thrown alive in the Watamula. the fastest-running birds on earth. You can
particular the off the beaten track adven- Apart from the evil eye, Watamula is also feed them, ride them or go on guided safari
tures. The entire National Park which is a considered “the breathing-hole of Curacao”. tours that departs every hour to explore
place for turtle breeding and is protected If you stand there quietly you will hear the the Ostrich Farm, one of the largest Ostrich
by Caribbean Research & Management of motion sound of the ocean which is very Farms outside the African territory. When
Biodiversity also known as Carmabi. Trails similar to an animal or human breathing. you’re done exploring the farm take a seat
and roads are all easily reached by car but This huge hole is a product of the intense at the Zanbezi restaurant for a unique expe-
it is recommend a 4x4 jeep that can really force of the ocean that has scooped a per- rience. The atmosphere is laid-back and the
handle the rugged north coast of Curacao. fect hole in the rocky coast. menus are South African. The Art of Africa
Jeep Tour Guides are also obtainable at souvenir shop has handcrafted souve-
relatively low cost. The Top 3 most popular S alt Pans and Flamingos - The two main nirs ranging from painted ostrich eggs to
water-mouth inlets at Shete Boka National salt pans in Curacao are; Jan Thiel La- beautiful African sculptures. NOTE: Guided
Park are; Boka Tabla, Boka Pistol and Boka goon and Jan Kok. These two Saltpans are Tour prices $15 for adults - $12 for children
Wandomi . NOTE: The National Park is temporary home to many Flamingos trave- between 2 to12 y/o – children under 2 y/o
open from 9:00 till 17:00. You’ll have to pay ling daily in and out the Curacao. The trails FREE
a small entrance fee of $5.50 per person. leading to the Saltpans are mostly dry, but
For an extra dollar you will also get a map. can get very muddy during rainy seasons,
Don’t forget to bring water and good sport- October through February. Every afternoon,