Page 247 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 247

ATER FORT - Waterfort dates back to   F ORT BEEKENBURG - The fort dates back          in 1499. The Spanish had their minds set on
                                                     to 1703 and is one of the best-preserved   the agricultural development of Curacao.
W 1634 and was built to protect the             forts in the Caribbean region. Fort Beeken-     Among the plants they carried along was
                                                burg has effectively protected Curacao from     the sweet and juicy ‘Valencia orange’. In
Punda district. Today you will find numer-      pirates as well as European fleets. Nearby      the tropical climate however this orange
ous restaurants and terraces here. The          you’ll find two beaches namely popular          turns bitter and inedible. Not surprisingly,
Waterfort Terrace within a walking distance     Baya Beach and Caracasbay. At both beach-       this is exactly what happened on Curacao.
from Plaza Hotel Curacao & Casino is where      es you can rent water sport equipment such      The peels of this fruit contain etheric oils
you’ll find shops, bars and a variety of res-   as jet ski, boat’s and kayaks. Most boat trips  and when thoroughly dried by the sun they
taurants.                                       to Little Curacao (Klein Curacao) depart        release a pleasing fragrance. The Laraha
                                                from Baya Beach. In other words a visit to      was born. At Landhuis Chobolobo (Coun-
F ORT AMSTERDAM - The most important            Fort Beekenburg can be perfectly combined       try house Chobolobo) is where the famous
     fort on the island is Fort Amsterdam.      with other fun things to do in Curacao.         old liqueur is produced. The distillery has
Built in 1635 this fort made the UNESCO’s                                                       been around for more than 100 years. To
list of World Heritage sites. Fort Amster-      B lue Curacao Liqueur Distillery - At Land-     experience the production process of the
dam is where the Governor resides. You                house Chobolobo is where you’ll find      well-known liqueur a self-explanatory tour
will also find several government offices, a    the genuine Curacao liqueur. This liqueur       is given to visitors. NOTE: admission is free
church and museum. The open courtyard           is made from an indigenous product of           and opening hours start from 8.00-12.00
of Fort Amsterdam provides the perfect          Curacao, the Laraha, a bitter orange native.    and 13.00-17.00 Monday through Friday.
opportunity for a stroll. From the outside in   The discovery of the Laraha also the ‘golden
the southwest wall you will see a cannon-       orange of Curacao’, the unique ingredi-
ball embedded in the wall, which is quite       ent from which the liqueur is made, dates
unique. The thing that fascinates me most       back to the Spanish discovery of Curacao
about Fort Amsterdam is that it has all the
qualities of a fort while still looking like a
regular Dutch-inspired country house.
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