Page 248 - The Dutch Caribbean Isles
P. 248
eaquarium - Sea Aquarium Marine olphin Academy - The Curacao Dol- their natural behavior towards you and the
surroundings. You’ll be amazed not also of
S Park was built in 1984 and has since D phin Academy is a top attraction for the dive encounter with the dolphins but
the stunning coral reefs in the area of Sea
then served as a unique experience for the the whole family and is located at the Sea Aquarium Marine Park. NOTE: These are the
whole family. The distinctive complex with Aquarium Marine Park. Although many peo- following requirements in order to Dive
fresh seawater fish tanks (which are con- ple had an encounter with Dolphins at Klein with the Dolphins; dive certification, older
stantly pumped from the ocean) presents Curacao, the best and trainable bottlenose than 12 and no pregnant women is allowed
various cool activities. You can see unusual dolphins at the academy has been brought to participate (for safety issues).. In the
tropical fishes in huge fish tanks or you can from Honduras. Originally starting out with “Dolphin Encounter” you can meet, touch,
touch sea stars and sea cucumbers yourself 5 Dolphins, the academy counts a total and kiss the dolphins. These activities are
or even pet some turtles and flamingos. of 20 beautiful Dolphins. These wonder recommended for all ages. Prices are $99
There are also moments when you can spot creatures give spectacular shows, interact per person and $50 per children between
some “Feeding shows” for sharks and sting- with people and also provide therapeutic 1 and 4. NOTE: These are the following
rays. The Marine Park offers several shows. interaction for children with disabilities. requirements in order to have an Dolphin
The Sea Lion show is a favorite. The Glass Through the years The Curacao Dolphin encounter at the academy; no pregnant
bottom Boat is where you enter a boat and Academy has provided an educational women is allowed to participate and a child
go down a ladder where you basically sit entertainment for tourist and locals. People younger than 8 should have a full paying
at the bottom of the boat which displays learn more about the abilities and necessi- parent or guardian. In the “Free-dive Snor-
several windows for a perfect view of the ties of these mammals. Dolphin Academy kel with the Dolphins” you do not need the
ocean, coral reef and Caribbean fishes. Af- offers diverse encounter options with the diving gears or a dive certification to par-
ter this you can go enjoy the dolphin show Dolphins when you arrive. From snorkeling ticipate, just a swimsuit and snorkel. $184
at the Dolphin Academy. The entrance fee and open water dolphin dive to assistant per person for the 30 minute adventure.
is $21/Adult and $11/Children – between trainer course and personal encounter or
5 and 11. The aquarium is open 365 days a even swim with these affectionate crea-
year from 8:00 till 17:00. tures. In the “Open Water Dolphin Dive”
there is interaction with Dolphins outside
the academy lagoon will enable you to see