P. 3
Message from Dr. Catherine Bosshart
BPW International President
Dear Presidents of BPW,
Dear Members,
Again, another year draws to a close. So many new actions through cooperation
have been undertaken and completed at Club, Federation, Regional and Interna-
tional level. Thank you all for your great commitment.
We started the year with an action to help Ukrainian Refugees. You all were
contributing to collect the money. Thank you all for your efforts. Now four pro-
jects are in place and helping substantially, the fifth was a direct action to send
most needed essential goods to our club in Chernihiv and to support an organi-
zation in Lviv. The war is not over yet and Ukraine still needs our help, more
than ever. Please do not forget the Ukrainian People in the cold weather which
is making life without electricity and heating very difficult.
I wish all who celebrate Christmas a peaceful and merry feast. Hoping that you
all can meet with your families and friends, warmest regards from your Interna-
tional President.
Dr. Catherine Bosshart
BPW International President 2021-2024