P. 7
Sierra Mar District Report
District Theme: “Women Helping Women”
Sierra Mar District’s Winter Conference will be Saturday, January 28th
from 9:00 A.M.-1:30 A.M. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 2009 S. Garfield
Avenue, Monterey Park, CA. The topic of the Conference will be legisla-
tion. Contact Marie Clifton for more information and to make a reser-
vation. Lynn Wen and San Gabriel Valley BPW, Sally McMahon, Marie Clifton and Marjory Hopper
are in charge of the program. The State Representative will be Marjory
Hopper, CFBPW Program/Projects Chair, President of Valley Sunset Dis-
trict and President of Hollywood BPW. The 10:00 A.M. speaker will be
State Senator Susan Rubio. The cost of the conference is $15.00 registra-
tion and $10.00 for box lunch from Marie Callender’s Restaurant. Regis-
trations and checks are to be made out to Sierra Mar BPW District sent
to Marie Clifton, 6230 N. San Gabriel Blvd., # 22, San Gabriel, CA 91775
by January 18th.
Sierra Mar District’s Annual Conference will be Saturday, April 15th from 9:00 A.M.-1:30 at St.
Paul’s Lutheran Church, 2009 S. Garfield Avenue, Monterey Park. East Los Angeles-Montebello
BPW is in charge of the program. Planning has not started for this Conference.
Sierra Mar’s Fall Conference was Saturday, October 15th at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Mon-
terey Park with 16 in attendance. El Monte BPW was in charge of the meeting. Mavis Hansen,
President of El Monte, chaired the meeting. CFBPW Co-Chair of Public Policy, CFBPW Past Presi-
dent and President of the California BPW Education Fund Rosemary Enzer was the State repre-
sentative. There were two First Timers - Lilian Kawaratani (Member of East Los Angeles-
Montebello BPW) and JoAnne Mitchell (Guest of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW). After the
meeting JoAnne joined East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW. Linda Hess from Urban Harvester was
the morning speaker. Forty percent of the food produced in this country is wasted. She formed a
non-profit and called it Urban Harvester to pick up food and distribute it to where it was needed.
Her first partner was Alhambra Costco. It is not illegal to donate food as long as it was made in a
safe kitchen. She works with schools, farms and businesses to pick up food that would be thrown
away and distributes to people to keep them from going hungry. The afternoon speaker was Mag-
gie Shelley, who talked on domestic violence. She is the Domestic Violence Chair for South Pasa-
dena Woman’s Club. She said agencies will help a person get lock-out orders. They will help a
person get into a shelter. She has a lot of resources that can help domestic violence victims.
Maggie Shelley
Domestic Violence
Linda Hess, Founder of
Urban Harvester