P. 8
Our regular
meeting venues
St. Paul’s
Lutheran Church
Linda Wilson, who is President of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW, is Sierra Mar’s Parliamentar-
ian and CFBPW’s webmaster and serves on NFBPWC L3, Advocacy and Membership Committees.
East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW meetings are the 4th Tuesday of the month and usually at
Marie Callender’s Restaurant, 209 S. Atlantic Blvd., Monterey Park starting at 4:30 P.M. for
networking and 5:00 P.M. for dinner and the meeting. The Tuesday, September 27th meeting fea-
tured Sally McMahon, CFBPW Bill Screening Committee and Sierra Mar District Public Policy Chair,
talking on the seven Propositions on the November ballot. There were ten in attendance. The
Tuesday, October 25th meeting was the annual National Business Women’s Week celebration and
the “Woman of Achievement” program. The honoree was Kathryn Foster, who is a new member of
East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW. Kathryn is an active community volunteer. She has served as
President of the Monterey Park Historical Society, on the Parks and Recreation Commission, on
the Library Board and with the Library Foundation. Her B.A. degree is from UCLA, and her M.A.
degree is from Loyola Marymount University. She is also a long-time volunteer for UCLA – being a
member of the Gold Shield, Order of the Golden Bruin and The Affiliates. She is a retired Legal
Secretary, married and has one adult son. Her son is a Berkeley graduate (B.A. 2003) and Georgia
State University (M.P.A. 2021), and she is also a member of CAL Parents. There were 21 in attend-
ance. The Tuesday, November 22nd program was at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 2009 S. Garfield
Avenue, Monterey Park due to Marie Callender’s not wanting to book a group so close to Thanks-
giving. It featured Josué Arias, who told us about the Boys and Girls Club of the West San Ga-
briel Valley and the Eastside’s “Kindness Program.” Josué is their “Chief Kindness Officer.”
The Kindness Program was designed to teach students and others to look inward, to show respect,
to treat everybody equally, and to be considerate of others. The program provides youth and oth-
ers with tools to empower them and to create a better understanding of kindness through mind-
fulness and other activities that drastically improve social and emotional behavior and create saf-
er clubs and communities. After the presentation he had us take the “Kindness Pledge” and gave
us all a card and badge to show that we will be kind as our Collect says. There were nine in at-
tendance. Tuesday, December 6th was the Holiday Party at the Black Angus Restaurant, 1500
Whittier Blvd., Whittier. This year the gifts were for a family of five selected by the Boys and
Girls Club. There were six in attendance. Tuesday, January 24th we will recognize our “Young Ca-
reerist for 2023.” This year’s honoree is Monique Rodriguez, who is the site coordinator for Ra-
mona Gardens for the Boys and Girls Club of the West San Gabriel Valley and Eastside. The Tues-
day, February 28th program will be on “Heart Health.” Marjory Hopper will talk about “Women’s
History” for the Tuesday, March 28th program. Bernice LaScala, formerly MERCI’s Associate Direc-
tor of Programs, will talk about “Autism” with Election of officers for 2023-24 at the Tuesday,
April 25th meeting. The Tuesday, May 23rd program will be in recognition of Asian-American Her-
itage Month and include the installation of officers for 2023-24. The Tuesday, June 27th meeting
will be program planning for 2023-24.