Page 8 - CALIFORNIA WOMAN - FALL EDITION 2023 - Binded with added Forms
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Sierra Mar District President’s Report – October 2023
On May 6, 2023 I had the honor of conducting the installation of Mavis Hansen
as President as well as the other officers for the El Monte Club for the 2023/2024 BPW
year. In addition I had the pleasure of witnessing Senator Susan Rubio present each
new officer with a Certificate of Appreciation for their roles as leaders.
Sierra Mar District members Maryann Wesson and Marie Clifton as well as SMD
Parliamentarian Linda Wilson and I all attended El Monte BPW’s summer fund raiser at
the Von’s Credit Union in El Monte. We had a great meal for only $5.00. I highly rec-
ommend everyone who can, attend next year’s event.
At the June Sierra Mar District training meeting members again agreed to have
each club in the district be responsible for planning one of the district conferences. We
also choose to continue to support Family Promise and to add the Period Poverty pro-
ject as our community outreach programs. We will be collecting tampons, sanitary
napkins and other personal items at each conference. A couple of our members asked
about having programs that focus on the modern technology areas that we all find
confusing. Our State Representative Anne Marie Johnson kindly gave us a list of tech
type program recommendations. And of course I can’t forget our annual June Confer-
ence Dessert Auction, our main district fund raiser for the year.
On August 26 several Sierra Mar members and guests as well as members from
Valley Sunset District attended the East Los Angeles/Montebello annual Patio Party at
Marjory Hopper’s house. It was also nice to be able to sit and talk with CFBPW Presi-
dent Maria De Sousa, who was able to attend.
On September 17 Sierra Mar members will join members from Valley Sunset
District in attending the Sierra Madre Playhouse where we will see the musical “The
Right Is Ours!.” This is a new musical about Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B An-
thony. Friends who changed the world.
The East Los Angeles/Montebello Club has invited me to speak at their meeting
on September 26 th. I will speak on Period Poverty.
The October 28 Fall Conference is the responsibility of the El Monte Club. They
are focusing on domestic violence. Kim Plater and Alice Slaughter, co-founders of
DVAC, Domestic Violence Action Coalition will speak in the morning and Nancy Krue-
ger, Certified Health & Wellness Coach, will speak in the afternoon. We also look for-
ward to welcoming Past CFBPW President Lynn Brandstater as our state representa-
Sally McMahon