Page 1 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 113 - June 2023_Neat
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Edition 113– June 2023
Dear Members,
This month it has been lovely to have the longer, lighter evenings, and indeed
the sunshine. But whilst we may love the sunny weather, the garden and farmers do not.
The Green interest group met recently, and we discussed how we can take steps that will
not only benefit us all but also help our green credentials. In the months that follow, the
members of this green interest group will be contributing to the Newsletter in a regular
column. This is a subject that touches every aspect of our lives, one that we must ad-
dress as a part of our commitment to the UN SDGs, number 13 (
On 19 May 2023 I attended the BPW Galway Summer lunch, as a guest, with VPs
International Ruth Galwey and Jacqui McLoughlin. Tesco Ireland CEO Natasha Adams
was the keynote speaker, with Galway Mayor Cllr Clodagh Higgins and the Mayor of Tolfa,
Italy, Stefania Bentivoglio, all inspirational women, joining us. Natasha Adams spoke clear-
ly of her route to this recent appointment, from a part time job whilst in sixth form to a
CEO. Natasha explained that the route to a top job is sometimes from the shop floor and
not further education. During the lunch BPW Tolfa twinned with BPW Galway with Nellina
Basile the Chair of the International Twinning taskforce conducting the ceremony. This is
something that the FEC will be looking at, to twin with another BPW club, with a suitable
joint project for us to work on together. During the trip we had the chance to talk to Laris-
sa Miller who had joined us from BPW USA, and who recently won a lifetime achievement
award in 2022 as the Top Woman in Business, by Powerhouse Global Magazine. I was for-
tunate to attend a seminar during the BPW Europe Conference 2019 that Larissa led, talk-
ing about the refugee camps she visited whilst she was the Executive officer at the Circle
of Hope. ( (
Left: BPW Europe Finance Officer Gudren Sigriour Jakobsdottir, Jo Kinsey,
European Co-Ordinator Anu Vicks, Mayor Cllr Clodagh Higgins, Larissa Miller, Meghan Sinisi
BPW Galway host this lunch annually, and we can commend this to you all, a date
for the new diary in 2024. …/...