Page 2 - Program End Booklet
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          Coastal  Disaster  Risk  Reduction Program  started  its  journey  under  the  leadership  of  Bangladesh  Red Crescent
          Society in 2017 with the financial support from American Red Cross and technical support from IFRC. Being aligned
          with the Strategic Plan (2017-2020) and Disaster Risk Management Strategy (2010-2020), 1  phase of this program
          was successfully implemented in Patuakhali, Bagerhat and Cox’s Bazar districts.

          Program Area
          Kalapara Upazila under Patuakhali District, Sarankhola Upazila under Bagerhat District, Camps established in Cox’s
          Bazar for forcefully displaced citizens from Myanmar and host community at Ukhiya

          Strengthen the capacity of the BDRCS and coastal communities to more effectively prepare for and respond to
          disasters and to reduce related deaths, injuries, and adverse socioeconomic impacts.

          There are four major focus areas for the project
          ▪  Enhancing Cyclone Preparedness Program and Early Warning Systems
          ▪  Institutional Capacity Building
          ▪  Community-Level Disaster Readiness
          ▪  Setting up an early warning and response system in collaboration with Government, UN agencies and site
              management partners

          ▪  To  improve  effectiveness  of  CPP  in  providing  early  warning  messages  to  communities  by  enhancing  early
              warning systems and increasing capacity of staff and community volunteers
          ▪  To  improve  emergency  response  and  preparedness  services  to  communities  by  strengthening  response
              management capacity at BDRCS national headquarters units and branches
          ▪  To increase community knowledge and capacity to take action to reduce risks and prepare for and recover
              from natural disasters
          ▪  To increase capacity of refugee displaced people and surrounded communities to prepare for and to recover
              from natural disasters and risks by improving community knowledge and strengthening disaster management

          Objectives of the Program

          ▪  One real-time weather forecast sharing system established, one additional early warning system piloted, and
              one early warning system repaired
          ▪  At least two national level tools and systems developed to digitize and decentralize response capacity in line
              with global standards and best practices.
          ▪  At least 1,800 Red Crescent Youth Volunteers, CPP community volunteers, and branch level staff trained on
              disaster preparedness and response tools to assist communities in becoming disaster ready.
          ▪  Two branches of BDRCS have improved disaster response capacities through development of action plans,
              business plans and resources.
          ▪  At least eight communities organized to implement community action plans to reduce the vulnerability of
              targeted community members to hazards
          ▪  At least 20 school disaster readiness plans prepared, and evacuation drills conducted
          ▪  At least 16,000 community members including school students reached by community activities on disaster
          ▪  At least 20,000 community members (within refugee/camp areas) are reached by disaster readiness activities
              and better prepared for the monsoon and cyclone seasons.

          Number of target people
          17,800 (16,000 community and school members + 1,800 volunteers and staff)

               Above map is used as an example. An illustrated map of Bangladesh pointing the program areas should
               be here
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