Page 6 - Program End Booklet
P. 6
A total of 600 Red Crescent youth volunteers, with 224 males and 376 females, from 20 schools under the
Program were trained on disaster preparedness, first aid, light search and rescue and response. UDRTs
played the key role in 20 trainings under 20 schools. The students learnt about disasters, preparedness
measures, their roles and responsibilities as members of the communities, basic first aid techniques and
Red Cross Red Crescent principles.
“First Aid is always important during
emergency. We found the training
very useful and indeed interesting.
We now know how to provide with
first aid when needed.”
Nupur Akter
Janata High School
“When my uncle calls me Doctor Boy, I
feel so happy. Nowadays, other members
of my family have also started calling me
doctor boy. It makes me proud and
Rasulpur High school in Bagerhat