Page 3 - Program End Booklet
P. 3
Our efforts on Enhancing Cyclone Preparedness Program and Early Warning
The Cyclone Preparedness Program (CPP), was a noble start of Bangladesh Red Crescent Society in 1970.
This program became renowned at home and abroad for its tireless effort that saved thousands of lives
from cyclones over the past 40 years by providing village-level early warning messages throughout 13
coastal districts in Bangladesh, reaching approximately 11 million people.
Our experiences from previous cyclone
periods became serviceable after receiving
the training from Coastal DRR program.
Working hand in hand with CDMC and CDRT
made us more organized and effective for
promoting disaster resilience. During cyclone
Fani, I went door to door to share early
warning message to the people. That time I
found that people’s reluctance to go to the
shelter has been decreased than earlier. Once
signal number 7 hoisted they rushed to the
shelter. Such action of people clearly presents
the result of our collective effort.
Habibur Rahman
Signal Assistant, Uttar Southkhali