Page 4 - Program End Booklet
P. 4

During  2017-2019,  Coastal  DRR  Program  contributed  in  enhancing  effectiveness  of  the  CPP  and  its

                         Launched  a  web  and  mobile-based  interface  for  management  of  information  comprising
                         subdistrict-wise CPP volunteer database, blood bank, list of officers and staff in the field and

                          Renovation of two CPP zonal offices improved the working environment and communication
                          became easier through the reparation in 13 HF and VHF stations.

                            HF and VHF Operator from all CPP zones received technical training on Wireless Network
                          Operators and Maintenance, Early Warning equipment’s & gear, Message transmitting &
                          receiving  codes.  Training  on  Early  warning,  first  aid,  search  &  rescue,  response,  disaster

                          preparedness supported CPP volunteers to act during emergency. Training on ‘Leadership’
                          Unit Team Leaders received
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