Page 34 - Jan Krueger
P. 34
How to find the “Key Brand Benefit (KBB)” What the Product does for me entertain friendly
The Brand created for this project is based on the key brand benefit, which is connect safe How I would describe the product
derived from the combination of the consumer insights and the brand essence. engage approachable, carefree
Rational exite fun and engaging,
For a deep consumer insight, one has to find a number of accepted customer beliefs, finding community simple
which the majority of the targeted audience shares. These beliefs are then challenge clean
condensed into the main consumer insight.
relax fun
Accepted Customer Beliefs: Confidence enabled
- Consumers want to engage with other people and deepen relationships enabling and confidence in control
- They like to play games in company competitive building, motivating motivated
How the Brand makes me feel
- Older people often have little opportunity to do so in their daily lives Emotional competent and personal
- Modern technology is not optimized for their use cases. aware
keeping up connected
confident self confident
Consumer Insight: modern social
Consumers want to experience personal connection and have fun together online
How the Brand makes me look
just like everyone else.
Brand Essence: Key Brand Benefit:
Community, Recreation, Confidence
Our brand helps you experience personal connection, community, and
The diagramm on the right shows how the rational and emotional brand associations
help to find the center of the brand in which lies the brands essence. enjoy your free time online with confidence.