Page 37 - Jan Krueger
P. 37


        Height Adjustability:                                                                                Input Configurations:

        One of the findings in model making was that it was necessary to have a certain                      Research among the target audience has shown, that in many cases tactile buttons, switches and knobs are
        amount of adjustability of the device angle towards the user, to account for different               preferred over touchscreen input methods. To find the appropriate button configuration however, the tasks that
        heights and personal preferences.                                                                    would be performed on this device were considered and the resulting minimum number of buttons was listed.

        The sliding mechanism as shown below is ideal for this use case, because it is cheap
        to implement, allows very fine adjustments and will not move under downwards                         User Performed Actions:                                        Minimum list of Inputs:
                                                                                                                 - UI navigation (directional buttons, ok, cancel)          1.  Navigation (up down left, right)

                                                                                                                 - Game interaction, (directional buttons, action)          2.  Confirm/Action

                                                                                                                 - Exit games, menus, cancel selections (cancel, menu)      3.  Cancel

                                                                                                                 - Video call controls, initiate, pause, end call           4.  Menu

                                                                                                                 - Text inputs for Wi-Fi and Profile etc. (on screen        5.  On/Off switch
                                                                                                                 keyboard, voice inputs)

                                                                                                                 - Power device on/off, wake/sleep

                                                                                                             After careful consideration these five input elements were chosen as sufficient and most importantly, user
                                                                                                             appropriate input methods for the specific user performed actions and most common use cases (Basic UI
                                                                                                             navigation, video calling and gaming)

        Variations of the Same Principle:
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