Page 9 - Ben Sweeney
P. 9

O.O.B.E. & Reverse


                Ergonomics                                                 Feature Focus                                                 Functionality Observations

                & Testing

               Before disassembly, I tested                                 Notes and photography were                                   Personally, I was unsure how
               the producted personally and                                 taken of external features                                   razors worked internally . So
               with other users.                                            such as button details and                                   step by step I removed as
                                                                            charging points.                                             little components as
               I sought out users with small                                                                                             possible and turned on the
               to large size hands to gain                                  The final design may                                         product to observe how certain
               feedback on how the product                                  incorporate some of these                                    functions preformed.
               felt while in use. Generally                                 features so it was important to
               they felt it was sufficient.                                 document before disassembly.
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