Page 73 - Arlen Walsh
P. 73

Galvanized steel is among the most popular

 steel types because of its extended durability,

 having the strength and formability of steel
 plus the corrosion protection of the zinc-iron


 •  grey primer                                                                   •  saw dust

 •  paper                                                                         •  spray adhesive

 •  Silver Metel spray paint                                                      •  Brown spray paint
 •  sand paper

 The hot dip galvanizing process is relatively                                      Chipboard – also sometimes referred to as
 simple. It involves cleaning steel and immers-                                     Particle Board or Low Density Fibreboard – is

 ing it in molten zinc to obtain a coating. Hot                                     made by mixing small wood particles with

 dip galvanizing is the process of coating iron                                     epoxy resin, which are pressed together under

 or steel with a layer of zinc by immersing the                                     intense heat and pressure to produce a rigid
 metal in a bath of molten zinc at a tempera-                                       board, typically with a smooth surface.

 ture of around 450 ˚C
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