Page 10 - HZES_Student_Parent_Handbook_2020_2021
P. 10
Any change in contact information (address change, phone number, or emergency
contacts) should be immediately communicated to the school office. Failure to do
so will result in a delay or break in communication between school and home.
An important trait to learn is self-discipline and how to get along with other
people. School rules are developed to protect the rights of all students. These
rules should be followed at all times by students at school or attending school
Each teacher is responsible for discipline in the classroom and will have rules that
pertain only to that classroom. However, there are some general guidelines that
apply to all situations. Below is a list of general rules that apply to all students.
• Demonstrate respect for self, all school system personnel, and peers.
• Follow directions the first time they are given at school and on the bus.
• Fighting and threatening others are prohibited
• Keep hand, feet, and all objects to yourself
• Walk on the right side of the hallway in a single line (6 feet apart).
• Behave in an orderly manner and follow all classroom rules
• Refrain from using profane, obscene, or threatening language
• Follow dress code and dress neatly/appropriately at all times
• Show respect for school property and the property of others
• Knives, guns, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, fireworks, lighters, etc. are
prohibited, may be taken by administrator or teacher and not returned to
students, and will result in additional consequences per the Code of Conduct.
Textbooks and Chromebooks become the responsibility of students when issued.
All textbooks should be kept clean, free of writing, and in good condition. They
must also be presented when requested by teachers. Students should not give or
loan their textbook or Chromebook to another student. Damage or loss of textbook
and/or Chromebook becomes the financial obligation of the student and