Page 6 - HZES_Student_Parent_Handbook_2020_2021
P. 6


               In order to keep your children safe, there will be no visitors allowed in schools this
               year.  This includes volunteers and parents walking children to the school door
               and/or classrooms.  In cases where students are tardy or need to checkout, please
               call the school office at 256-685-4020 and wait for specific instructions, as you
               will not be permitted to enter.  Virtual conferences will be arranged to keep you
               informed.  Please make sure we always have current contact information to include
               a working phone number and email address.

               Attendance at school is directly connected to learning.  Children are expected to be
               at school each day.  Please use the calendar provided in this handbook to schedule
               dental and doctor appointments.  A full school day is counted when students are
               present before or checked out after 11:30 a.m.  Please refer to the Lawrence
               County Schools Code of Conduct for specific state attendance regulations.

               Children develop attitudes about responsibility at an early age.  Punctuality is a
               leadership trait.  Students checking in late should provide an official excuse from a
               doctor/dentist office if that is the reason for the tardy, as this demonstrates they
               value attendance.  Early checkouts that are unnecessary communicate to learners
               they don’t have to be present and foster those habits that develop into work ethics.
               We want to help students develop the leadership trait of follow-through that helps
               build resilience.  As such, information is provided throughout the entire school
               day, and learners are expected to be present and ready to receive all of it.
                   •  HZES will follow the Lawrence County Schools Code of Conduct.  Please
                       refer to pages 14-16 in it for additional clarification not provided within this

                   •  Attendance for the entire school day is very important
                   •  There are no checkouts after 2:15 p.m.
                   •  Students not in his or her classroom when the 7:50 a.m. bell rings is tardy
                   •  Parents of late car riders should call the school office at 256-685-4020 to
                       sign students into school.  Please wear a mask should you have to sign in
                       your child for school at the front door.
                   •  Late arrivers must have a pass to be admitted to class
                   •  5 unexcused tardies or unexcused absences will result in parent referral to
                       the county attendance officer and/or other consequences deemed appropriate
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