Page 21 - THE EGO Ivy Informer Volume 4 Issue 1
P. 21
Article and Photos by Soror Victoria R. Binford
The Elderly Outreach Committee Program
The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ~ Epsilon Gamma Omega
Chapter, Target III: Family Strengthening: The Elderly Outreach Com-
mittee is part of “Launching New Dimensions of Service” program. The
Alpha Kappa Alpha Elderly Outreach Committee, and collaborating with
some of the sorors from Target II: Health Promotions, continues to re-
member the senior citizens in the Huntsville, Alabama area by servicing
and visiting a local community center.
The Elderly Outreach Committee visited The Bob Harrison Wellness Cen-
ter on February 20, 2018 to join the senior citizens as they played Bingo.
At the beginning of our program, a beautiful talk was given by our own
Soror Prudence Bryant, as she related to our beloved sorority in servicing
and giving back to others in the Huntsville Alabama area. The Alpha Kap-
pa Alpha sorors showed much love and concern as they reached out to the
40 senior citizens by visiting each table to help each senior citizen with
the activity.
The activity was lively and openly expressed among the seniors and the Sorors. After each game played, the El-
derly Outreach Committee gave the winning senior citizen a beautiful pink and green bag that was prepared as a
special gift to the winners. At the conclusion of the Bingo games, the Alpha Kappa Alpha, Incorporated, Epsilon
Gamma Omega Chapter Sorors presented the Seniors with a large box wrapped in pink and green filled with toilet-
ries and gifts for their weekly Bingo senior citizen game days. Each gift was tagged with "Donated by: Alpha Kap-
pa Alpha Sorority Incorporated, Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter". Light refreshments were served by the Alpha
Kappa Alpha, Incorporated, Epsilon Gamma Omega Sorors.