Page 11 - THE EGO Ivy Informer Volume 3 Issue 5
P. 11

       Article by Soror Yolanda Dial; Photos by Sorors Michele Gary-Hunt and Stephanie Burton

                                         Breast Cancer Awareness

                                           The 14th Annual Liz Hurley
                                           Ribbon  Run  and  Survivor
                                           Walk  was  held  on  Saturday,
                                           October  21,  2017  in  the
                                           beautiful  downtown  Hunts-
                                           ville  area.  Over  6,000  run-
                                           ners  joined  together  in  sup-
                                           port  of  breast  cancer  aware-
                                           ness  and  prevention.  Pro-
                                           ceeds from the 2017 Ribbon
                                           Run will be used to purchase
                                           an  additional  3D  tomosyn-
      thesis mammography machine. With this technology, multiple 3-dimensional
      pictures of the breast are taken, making breast cancer easier to detect, particu-
      larly in dense breast tissue. Sorors of Epsilon Gamma Omega who are survi-
      vors joined forces with other Sorors and friends and participated in the walk
      to support this event.

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