Page 15 - THE EGO Ivy Informer Volume 3 Issue 5
P. 15

       Article by Soror Leteria Waters; Photos by Soror Rosetta Williams

                 Target III Financial Fitness Huntsville Housing Expo

      The City of Huntsville’s Community Development Depart-
      ment hosted a free Housing Expo on Saturday, November
      4, 2017, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Stone Event Center
      at Campus No. 805.

      Over  100  vendors  were  on  hand  to  showcase  affordable
      housing options in the City of Huntsville. Credit and fore-
      closure counseling was also available on-site.

                                          Epsilon       Gamma
                                          Omega  Target  III  Fi-
                                          nancial  Fitness  Sub-
                                          Committee  partnered
                                          with  the  organization
                                          working  registration
                                          for  the  Money  Mat-
                                          ters  session  which
                                          covered topics such as
                                          Financial  Literacy  &
                                          Credit    Counseling,
                                          First-Time  Homebuy-
                                          er,   Homeownership
                                          Assistance  Programs,  Fair  Housing  Awareness,  and  Landlord,  Tenant  and
                                          Community. The committee also served as conveners for the session.

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