Page 15 - Employee Handbook
P. 15
The Company recognizes that employees may use social networking sites during their off-duty hours. For purposes of this
policy, social networking includes but is not limited to sites/services such as YouTube©, Facebook©, Twitter©, LinkedIn©
and all other types of postings on the Internet; blogs and other online entries; bulletin boards and chat rooms. This Policy
applies to social networking while on or off duty. Employees who engage in social networking should be mindful that their
postings, even if done off premises and while off duty, could have an adverse effect on the Company’s legitimate business
interests. For example, the information posted could be the Company’s confidential business information. In addition, some
readers may view an employee’s postings as statements made on behalf of the Company. Therefore, we ask that all
employees observe the following guidelines when social networking:
• Do not participate in social networking by using any of the Company’s electronic resources or when you are supposed
to be working unless you have been specifically asked or invited by the Company to do so for a limited purpose;
• Remember that social networking is subject to all of the Company policies, including those prohibiting harassment,
use of the Company’s resources, and protection of confidential information.
• Managers should not send “friend” requests to subordinates while on or off duty. Any employee may reject a friend
request from any other employee without negative consequence.
• All requests for references or recommendations, even those that are received through social networking, should be
handled in accordance with the Company’s standard policy for responding to reference requests.
If your social networking includes any information related to the Company, please consider that the Company has spent
substantial time and resources building its reputation and goodwill. Consider whether you are damaging the Company’s
reputation by discussing the Company, your employment, or your co-workers. If you are uncertain, you should consult your
manager or the Human Resources Department before posting. You are more likely to resolve complaints about work by
speaking directly with your coworkers, supervisor or other management-level personnel than by posting complaints on the
Internet. If you, nonetheless, decide to post complaints or criticism, avoid doing so in a way that is defamatory or damaging
to the Company or any of the Company’s employees or be prepared to face possible consequences.
If you decide to include reference to the Company or its products or services in your online networking, then you should
take the following steps:
• Make it clear to readers that your statements do not represent the Company by stating, for example, “These opinions
are my own. They have not been reviewed or approved by the Company.”
• Do not defame or otherwise discredit the Company’s products or services, or the products or services of its vendors
or competitors. Do not mention customers, business partners, or suppliers without prior approval.
• Do not use the Company’s logo, trademark or proprietary graphics, or photographs of the Company’s premises or
• Do not disclose personal or contact information, or post photographs, of coworkers or supervisors without their
prior permission.
• If someone from the media or press contacts you about your social networking activities that relate to the Company,
speak to your manager before responding.
The Company will, in its discretion, review your social networking activities. Please note that this Policy applies even if your
social networking is anonymous or under a pseudonym. If you do engage in such social networking, you should be aware
that in appropriate circumstances the Company will take steps to determine your identity.
For any questions regarding this policy, contact your supervisor or the Human Resources Department. Failure to comply
with this policy may lead to discipline up to and including termination and if appropriate, the Company will pursue all
Version V4 Last Update 08-20-19 Department Operations Dept & HR