Page 13 - Employee Handbook
P. 13
A-MAX Auto Insurance considers its confidential and proprietary information, including the confidential and proprietary
information of our customers, to be one of its most valuable assets. In the course of performing duties, employees may
have access to or gain knowledge of confidential information concerning the Company, its customers/clients, and other
information to which the public does not have general access. This policy governs the use or further disclosure of such
With respect to confidential information concerning the Company, other employees, the Company’s vendors and
contractual partners, and/or its customers/clients, such information should be safeguarded. Employees should ensure that
confidential or proprietary information is filed and/or locked up before leaving their work areas each day. During the
workday, employees should not leave any sensitive information lying about or unguarded.
Unauthorized access to, and unauthorized release of, confidential information will violate this policy and may result in
appropriate disciplinary action against the employee(s) involved, up to and potentially including termination of
employment, depending upon the severity and/or repeat nature of offense.
If you have any questions about this policy, consult your supervisor or the Corporate Office.
A-MAX Auto Insurance expects the full attention of its employees while they are working. Although employees may
occasionally have to take care of personal matters during the workday, employees should try to conduct such personal
business either before or after the workday or during breaks or meal periods. Regardless of when any personal call is made,
it should be kept short.
Employees should also limit incoming personal calls, visits, use of cell phones, or personal transactions. The Company’s
phones should be available to serve the Company’s customers, and non-business use of the phones can hurt the Company’s
business. A pattern of excessive personal phone calls, personal visits, and use of cell phones and/or private business
dealings is not acceptable and may lead to disciplinary action.
The mail system is reserved for business purposes only. Employees should refrain from sending or receiving personal mail
at the workplace. The e-mail system is the property of A-MAX Auto Insurance. A-MAX Auto Insurance will not guarantee
the privacy of the e-mail system except to the extent required by law and employees should not expect personal privacy
of any information transmitted or received through the e-mail system.
Employees must respect the privacy of other people in the workplace. The Company expressly prohibits using cell phones
or other electronic devices to create audio or video recordings or to take photographs of any co-worker during work hours
or on work premises without the co-worker’s express consent. Employees may not record or take photographs of
customers or other third parties on work premises.
Version V4 Last Update 08-20-19 Department Operations Dept & HR