Page 11 - A Practical Guide to Chapter11 Bankruptcy Publication Notice
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chapter 2  Class action notice in a bankruptcy context

            Class actions are governed by Fed. R. Civ. P. 23 (“Rule 23”). In 1983 Rule 23 was made applicable to
            bankruptcy cases by Bankruptcy Rule 7023. While it is not always clear if a specific bankruptcy court will
 class action   allow class claims when the defendant entity has filed for bankruptcy protection, it is certain that when

            class treatment is allowed, the notice requirements of Rule 23 must be followed. The rules for providing
            notice to members of a certified class are dramatically different than those in a traditional bankruptcy
 notice in a   case; particularly in situations where individual notice will not be a viable option for notifying all potential
            class members. According to Rule 23, in a class action case, notice is required when:

            •  A Rule 23(b)(3) class is certified;
 bankruptcy   •  A settlement or voluntary dismissal that would be binding on the class is filed; and

            •  Attorney fees are requested.  Often, counsel requests certification and attorney fees at the time of filing a
 context      settlement so all three components are frequently combined into one notice.

            FRCP Rule 23 – Best Notice Practicable Under the Circumstances and
            Individual Notice

            Rule 23 directs that for any class certified under   Postal Service (USPS).  This is important since
            Rule 23(b)(3), notice to class members must be the   more than 40 million Americans move their place
            best notice practicable under the circumstances,     of residence and/or business every year. 24
            including “individual notice to those who can be
            identified with a reasonable effort.” 22             Also, the USPS allows significant discounts on
                                                                 postage when NCOA is used pre-mailing and
            Individual Notice                                    mailings are sorted by zip code. For records
            If a postal address is available or can be           returned by NCOA as invalid, reasonable efforts
            ascertained for a likely class member, notice        should be taken to obtain an updated address
            should be sent by first class mail (or in some       through third-party address search services. The
            cases, email). Frequently, the defendant/debtor is   same is true for individual notices returned by
            able to extract class member names, addresses        the USPS as undeliverable. Mailing to potential
            and other relevant data from databases they          class members based on outdated information
            maintain. In some cases, class member data is        is expensive, creates a large number of
            even obtained from third-party providers. As a       undeliverable mail pieces and does not provide
            practical matter this portion of Rule 23 is not that   actual notice to those class members.
            different than Bankruptcy Rule 2002. Known class     Email is also often used to provide individual
            members are like known creditors. They must be       notice in class action cases. But email should
            given individual notice.                             be used with care in cases where a class action

            Prior to mailing a notice, all addresses should be   is proceeding within a bankruptcy. Email does
            updated against the National Change of Address       not yet have the address updating and re-mail
            (NCOA) database maintained by the United States      options available with traditional mail and issues
                                                                 persist with deliverability.

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