Page 8 - A Practical Guide to Chapter11 Bankruptcy Publication Notice
P. 8

Multinational Notice

            In today’s global economy, it is common for          who is a legal linguist, versed in legal terminology
            businesses to operate in multiple countries.         as well as English and the language of translation.
            This means a larger geographic footprint for         Also, it is important to obtain a certificate of true
            companies and debtors. This can impact how           and accurate translation from the translator upon
            notice is provided to creditors and require          completion of the work. This type of translation
            translations into languages other than English.      can cost more, but it is necessary to ensure
            Even within the United States, the number of         that crucial bankruptcy concepts are not lost in
            people speaking Spanish continues to grow (there     translation. Typically it is not recommended to
            are now more than 41 million native Spanish          translate the actual pleadings due to the risk of
            speakers and another 11.6 million speaking it as a   changing the meaning of key terminology as a
            second language).  Depending upon the nature         result of translation. In addition, not all text should
            and geographic span of a debtor’s business,          be translated, including:
            notice translations can be a real consideration for
            providing notice.                                    •  Case names
                                                                 •  Proper names – law firms, administrator, and
            Depending upon the target audience’s                 •  Contact information – addresses, phone
            demographics, translations may be necessary            numbers, email addresses
            even if placing an ad in the United States or
            Canada. Publication notices, claim forms, website    •  Website addresses
            content and automated Interactive Voice              Obtaining a certificate of true and accurate
            Response (IVR) scripts for a debtor’s restructuring   translation is sometimes not enough to ensure
            hotline are the most common items that require       correct translations. It is important for law firms
            translations.                                        and administrators to conduct their own quality

            Extended Lead Times                                  control of translated documents. Here are some
                                                                 of the basic items to review:
            Translating legal documents will always extend
            the lead time that is required to prepare a          •  Specific dates – translated into the correct date
            notice or other document for publication or            and format
            dissemination. The more uncommon the                 •  Format – correct bolding, underlining, etc.
            language for translation, the longer the lead
            time. This is because there are fewer qualified      •  Font – consistent style and size
            translators available who translate uncommon         •  Headers, footers, footnotes and number of
            languages. Depending on the quantity and               paragraphs –correct quantity
            complexity of the documents, the time-frame for
            translations can add a few business days or up to    It is also important to make sure the correct
            several weeks to the timeline.                       translated font is on any computer that will
                                                                 open a translated document. Otherwise, upon
            Review of Translated Publication Notices             opening the translated document, the text will
            Since bankruptcy publication notices contain         be converted into another font, which may easily
            specific legal concepts and terminology (debtor,     change the characters and make a mess of the
            creditor, etc.), it is important to enlist a translator   translated text and/or formatting.

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