Page 6 - Your New Medical Plans with Centivo
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OPTION          1    MBA Centivo Plus

               New for the                                                                                                                A new kind of health plan for 2021:

               2021 plan year                                                                                                             The MBA Centivo Plus Plan.

                                                                                                                                          Navigating the healthcare system can be a frustrating and expensive

               You have 3 plans this year with a range                                                                                    experience. The MBA Centivo Plus Plan is here to change that – it’s

               of network options and coverage levels                                                                                     designed to help you use the healthcare system more effectively

               so that you can pick the plan that best                                                                                    and offer you affordable healthcare, with $10 primary care visits and
                                                                                                                                          predictable copays for almost all other care.
               fits the needs of you and your family.

               You’ll have the option to choose between:                                                                                  The MBA Centivo Plus Plan is built
                                                                                                                                          around a partnership between
                                                                                                                                          you and your personally

                   1                               2                               3                                                      selected Primary Care Team.

                 MBA Centivo                     MBA HSA High                    MBA HSA Low                                              Your Primary Care Team will help you navigate the
                                                                                                                                          healthcare system and coordinate your care. And
                 Plus   *                        An HSA-qualified plan           An HSA-qualified plan                                    Centivo will be with you, too, providing an easy-

                                                 option with national            option with national                                     to-use app and member portal with all your plan             You don’t have to go it alone
                 A new type of health                                                                                                     information. Or if you prefer, talk to a member of              to get affordable, high-
                 plan with a smaller             network coverage.               network coverage.
                 network and more                The High Plan has               The Low Plan has                                         the Centivo Concierge Team for personal support.             quality healthcare anymore.
                 affordable costs.               higher coverage than            lower coverage than
                                                 the Low Plan, with a            the High Plan, with a
                                                 smaller deductible and          bigger deductible and
                                                 coinsurance for your care.      coinsurance for your care.                               The MBA Centivo Plus Plan is built
                                                                                                                                          to deliver affordable healthcare.
               * The MBA Centivo Plus Plan is only available to employees who sit in East Granby or Michigan at this time.
                                                                                                                                          You’ll get:

                                                                                                                                          •  A low deductible
                                                What is Centivo?                                                                          •  Primary care office visits for just a $10 copay

               The MB Aerospace                 Centivo is a new type of health plan administrator that offers                            •  Predictable costs with simple copays for
                                                higher quality care and lower costs to employees and their
               medical plans will               families by directly contracting with local healthcare providers                             almost all other care
               be administered                  you know and trust. In addition, Centivo offers traditional health                        •  The security of a lower out-of-pocket
               by Centivo.                      plan options with national network access via Cigna.                                         maximum in case you need a lot of care
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