Page 28 - E-Book-Teerapong-รวมผลงานSandbox
P. 28

(บทคัดย่อ ภาษาอังกฤษ จ านวน 1 หน้ากระดาษ)

                                          5G Test Center at Chulalongkorn University
                                                       Dr. Supot Tiarawut

                                                        November 2020

                       This project is to set up a 5G testing center at Chulalongkorn University to prepare for

                       the modern telecommunication services   This center will be an open platform for
                       research, experiment, and testing for both academic and practical use. In addition, the
                       center  will  also  do  personnel  development  to  support  the  expansion  of

                       telecommunication and related industries. The services or applications created by the

                       center will be used as pilot projects for further development and/or public offerings.

                       [เลขที่สัญญารับทุน E.๖๒-๐-(๒)-๐๐๑]                                              18

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